It's the Worst Feeling Ever ...

... The feeling your relationship is over.

Hear how Clive suffered from being dumped from many relationships to emotionally hit rock bottom and then turn it all around to now enjoy a wonderful long-term relationship.


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A relationship breakup can be devastating for one or both partners. It can leave you feeling emotionally low with a feeling that is difficult to get rid of. This course examines the reasons why this is so and gives you the skills on how to deal with it.

Here is exactly what you will get with the course ...

Module 1: An Introduction

In this Module, you will receive some clarity on why you have broken up and what you would ideally like to see happen?

Do you want it back on and they want it over?

Do you both want it over?

Do you both want it back on but not under the current circumstances?

Knowing what you want allows you to begin working on a solution and gives you a direction.

Module 2: A Reality Check

Is your partner worth having back?

Is there a part of you that wants them back?

In this Module, we examine your ideal partner and see how many boxes your ex ticked. This exercise often surprises people as they discover their ideal  partner may not be their ex!

We also examine the deal breakers of a relationship. What are the things you definitely will not tolerate - ever?

This is one of the most important Modules as it serves as a guide for you in future relationships.

Module 3: Overcoming The Hurt

A relationship breakup often produces a feeling of rejection and devastation.

In this Module, we identify exactly what is causing the emotional hurt for you and begin the process of dismantling this so you feel in control.

This is also an important Module because it explains the power you give away and why you do it. This is critical to fix. This is the Number One concept Clive discovered to help him immediately move on.

Module 4: The Solution

Is it possible to go into a relationship and not feel emotionally hurt if it goes pear-shaped?

This Module gives you the solution on how to move on and how to feel in control. We define the Ideal solution that gives you a goal to aim for.

Module 5: Be The Best Catch

Are you a great catch and someone another person would love to be in a relationship with? 

To be a great catch, you must be a great person.

To be a great person, it is critical to know who you are - specifically. Many say they are a great person and when asked "In what way?" they have no idea.

Being a great person means you have lots to offer and it gives you a sense of confidence. This allows you to attract a person into your life similar to you.

Problem is, if you are feeling insecure, you will attract an insecure person into your life - and this will be hard work!

Module 6: When All Else Fails

While we have covered much in this course, sometimes you still struggle.

The aim of this Module is to give you possible reasons why and solutions that could help you achieve your ideal goal.

It could be you are holding onto someone from your past, you are not worthy of being in a good relationship or you have a belief that says "Marriage is forever". There can be many reasons that hold you back.

At the end of the Module is a list of References that can help.

My Personal Guarantee To You ...

Give the "Getting Over Your Ex" Course a go for a full 30 days. If it doesn't meet your expectations or you are not getting the result you desire, let me know before the 30th day is up and I will refund your money in full. After all, I only want you keeping this course if you are getting a result. 

Get "Getting Over Your Ex"

This is a course that that gives you skills on how to get over an ex and deal with being rejected. You are covered by my 30 Day Money Back Guarantee so you have everything to gain.